Reminders by


Thank you for using the reminder system from ListWorker, a service provided by From the Rockies LLC. This account is free to use for companies to use for up to 500 reminders sent (emailed) in a given month. The monthly fee for our service is as follows:

Reminders/monthMonthly Fee
0 - 500$0 (free)

By opening this account and using this service you agree to these terms and the following conditions:

This service is being offered to you on an as-is basis with no promise of merchantability or fitness.

You agree to hold From the Rockies LLC (the owner of Listworker) harmless for any and all errors, omissions, missteps, missed appointments, or expenses due to use of the reminder service. In addition, From the Rockies LLC makes no warranty, guaranty, promise, statement, or offer of any refund for any expense the reminder service may cause you or your business for any errors of any kind, accidents, or missed reminders.

Some email services, most notibly Gmail, often defer (delay) or block (bounce) emails entirely regardless of the quality of the message you send. You understand this can happen from time to time and are comforable with this knowledge. We take every step to whitelist and keep open the channels of communication with all email recipient systems and monitor for issues throughout the day/night.

This reminder service is for sending reminders not email messages soliciting a product or service. This service is to remind individuals of an upcoming appointment or to call/email your business to schedule an appointment. Accounts that are found to be using the reminders as a means of solicitation will be closed without notice.

Data Privacy

From the Rockies LLC (the owner of this reminder service) will never sell, disclose, rent, lease, share, display, or give any of your information or your reminders to others, ever, unless we are presented with a court order. You understand that this reminder service is operating "in the cloud" which means we do not own the hardware for which this service is operating upon. We do not maintain the computers or networks for which this service is operating upon because the servers and other equipment is owned by the cloud provider. Cloud-based services, even when running on the most current technologies, can become unreachable for a time due to "denial of service" attacks, network instabilities, software upgrade failures, or other similiar events. We do not promise this service will be available continually on a 24/7 basis because we do not own the computers or systems. This is typical for any cloud-based system these days. While cloud-based systems are presented as secure, and we follow industry standards to keep our systems secure, there is no guarantee they are 100.0% secure from the person or persons who physically maintain the computers or systems at the cloud hosting facility. This is typical for most cloud-based systems these days. For example, many medical practices believe their patient records are safe when using cloud-based services, but that is completely false, unless, the company maintaining the computers or systems is physically present where the servers are located and has the only physical access to the computers or systems. This is just the way cloud-based services operate. By using ListWorker you understand this and hold From the Rockies LLC harmless from any issues arising from these or other security issues.

USA-Only Statement

ListWorker, the service, is operating on facilities inside the United States and at no time will this service be operating on equipment located outside the United States. We are proud to be American and will use only American staff and hosting services located in the USA to operate the service.

If at any time you choose not to agree to these terms you are free to close your account and discontinue service. Upon request, we will delete your account and all related reminders from the system within 24 hours of your request.

We hope you enjoy the reminder service and please let us know of features you would like. We built this for our customers.

You can close this window and return to your sign-up form.